
Monday, 22 June 2020

Midway Scarlet November Corridor

Lustrous laureled leaves in autumn silently reap,
Brown bland blisters of trampled grey soil in bay,
Glorious golden garden blankets my dreams in sleep.

Withered warm whispers in tired wet pastures seep,
Midway merging November winds to December neigh,
Lustrous laureled leaves in autumn silently reap.

Thousand tattered treasures revived in slumber deep,
Calm crispy corridor covers old secrets on the way,
Glorious golden garden blankets my dreams in sleep

Stealthy solemn sumptuous snow solaces them who weep,
Intense iridescent incarnations of life appear each day,
Lustrous laureled leaves in autumn silently reap.

Wonderful white wisps wake my desires, oh they leap,
Emerged effervescent existence reborn to fly away,
Glorious golden garden blankets my dreams in sleep.

Magnificent miraculous moments that I joyously keep,
Frosty ferocious frantic fears, fervent hopes sleigh,
Lustrous laureled leaves in autumn silently reap,
Glorious golden garden blankets my dreams in sleep.

*This poem has been written in Villanelle which is a French/Italian poetic form. The most famous example of Villanelle poetry is the poem 'Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night' written by the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas which was also featured in the movie Interstellar(2014). A Villanelle consists of nineteen lines with of five tercets (i.e., a three-line stanza) followed by one quatrain (a stanza with four lines). The first and third lines of the opening tercet are repeated in an alternating pattern as the final line of each next tercet; those two repeated lines then form the final two lines of the entire poem. The rhyme scheme calls for those repeating lines to rhyme, and for the second line of every tercet to rhyme. Thus, the rhyme scheme looks like this: ABA ABA ABA ABA ABA ABAA.* 

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